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Grade 5

Age: 12 - 15 Yrs

  • 1 hour
  • Working Men's Institute, Laxey


Currently this class runs from 13:00 to 14:00 on Saturday mornings. The ballet work at this level is lovely but much more complex and physically demanding. It requires sustaining technique in a range of exercises and longer combinations of steps. Flexibility and strength is being developed ready for the higher level work after this. It is during this class that some girls are introduced to pointe work, when, and if, they are ready, and we start learning pirouettes and grand allegro such as leaps and turns. Students in this class are generally aged 12 - 15 years but this will very much depend on the individual. Students working at this level should be doing more than one ballet class a week if possible and are invited to attend the additional free class during the week.

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